Then some of my mom friends realized it was my birthday and everyday for the rest of the week, people dropped things off, which seriously felt so great and made me feel so loved. On the morning of my birthday, someone left flowers and an adorable gnome book. Then later, someone left wine and toilet paper...oh coronavirus, how you've changed our view on tp! The next day I got some chocolates and watermelon jam. Then, a big cake (which I saved to eat on Friday with the kids in celebration of making it through another week of school). Lastly, I got some goodies from a local shop. It was so fun having my birthday last all week long!
Schooling from home just felt extra this week. Managing the video calls with so many other people int he house is quite the chore. And just having to help Isla with so much of the tech aspect of things just leaves me feeling drained. I've started making daily lists for her of what she needs to accomplish and she can generally go from one task to another in the same program, but she still struggles with toggling between programs. And sometimes a task might last a minute, so I just have to stay close to her the whole time. Only four weeks left until summer break!
Callum got a packet of crafts to do in the mail from his preschool. He apparently was in the crafting mood (last time they sent some, he was NOT) and did all of them in one morning. His school has also been posting videos of the teachers reading stories or singing a song and he totally has been into that. He has asked to go back to "playdough school and church school" and it breaks my heart a bit. Out of everyone, he does not understand what is going on the most and doesn't get why his life has changed so much.
Now the burning question is, how much longer will this whole quarantine situation last and will we all be hesitant to leave our homes and gather with others with this is all over?

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