This is Willa at 14 months old.
Willa can now climb up onto furniture, so of course it is her favorite place to be. She has also managed to fall off of said furniture she can now climb up on.
The car she is playing with has buttons that make noise. All the cars that make noise are her current favorites. She loves pressing the buttons over and over and has such an accomplished look on her face each time she does.
Notice no bow in her hair. She rips them out as soon as I put them in these days. I even try to distract her for a minute after doing so, but she still generally rips them out right away.
Notice the adorable onesie peeking out that is covered in strawberries. When I bought it, I imagined her wearing it when we went to pick strawberries somewhere. Now I wonder if we will ever leave the house again...slight exaggeration, but you get the point.
Some of the things you can't see is Willa now walks everywhere. No more crawling for her. She also screams to communicate, which is...loud. The screams sound the same for happy and sad, good and bad, wanting something, etc.

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