Over the weekend we went and did a day out with Thomas. It's basically a train ride with Thomas and Percy pulling the train and a bunch of activities to go along with it. Think meeting the characters, toy trains to play with, bounce houses, coloring, face painting, etc. I booked the tickets like two months ago and Callum has been consistently talking about it for several days now. He was very excited. The other two acted like they thought it was lame, but enjoyed it once we were there. Maybe that's their grown up, cool kid attitudes coming through.
On the train ride itself, we booked the car that was closest to Thomas. Because it took so long to get our picture taken with Thomas, we were one of the last people on the train and our car was super full. We managed to awkwardly squeeze in places...I say awkwardly because we asked one lady if she could scoot down to make more space for us and she flat out said no and most people just stared at us, rather thank helping make room by moving their bags or scooting closer to other people. But the train started and all was good. A few minutes into the train ride, I realized two cars up was virtually empty. Like there were literally maybe 10 people on it, so we moved to that car and the rest of the train ride was MUCH more enjoyable. Some other people followed suit too because a practically empty car is just way better than a jam packed one, no matter how close to Thomas the full one is! The kids spent most of the train ride dancing along to the music and just having fun.
After the train ride, we went and met Percy. Then we went and met Sir Topham Hatt, who Callum refused to get anywhere near, even when he tried interacting with Callum. Then we did a bunch of the activities before calling it a day and heading home. The biggest hit was the temporary tattoo station. The older two at first acted too cool to get some train tattoos, but once Callum went for it, all three of them went back for more, before I finally cut them off. Callum was definitely very excited for his train tattoos. It was really cute.
Now be prepared for a bit of a photo overload. But at least I warmed you, right?
^^ Callum was super into collecting rocks the whole time. He stored them in his pocket and would repeatedly pull them out and line them up before putting them back in his pocket again.
^^ Proudly showing off one of his tattoos

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