We've done a lot more than just visit castles while we've been here and I want to make sure to document these smaller things too. So here are some of the smaller things we have gotten up to while in Edinburgh. These are the types of things the kids really enjoy, as they are often fun things for them to do.
Princes Street Gardens:
This is a huge public park that stretches the main street in town. It also used to be the castle's moat/part of the defense system. And a couple hundred of years ago, was also where they killed the suspected witches...eek! But it's a beautiful lush garden today. There are walking paths through it, ice cream vendors throughout and currently, at the end, there are a couple activities you can do...the sort of activities my children are always suckers for!
Portobello Promenade:
This is the seaside on the outskirts of Edinburgh. On the day we went it was quite windy and we felt a little chilly. But there were still plenty of kids playing in the water. Our kids enjoyed playing in the sand before we took them in to the way, way overpriced arcade for a bit. It made every arcade I've ever taken them in to before seem cheap. It was ridiculous. But the kids had fun playing a few games before we moved on.
National Museum of Scotland:
This place is h-u-g-e and it's free. Obviously the kids didn't want to look at everything, but they especially enjoyed all the space based exhibits and the animals. There are plenty of exhibits that are hands on, like the race car simulator Connor is in. On our way out, we went up to the roof to see the amazing view. It was raining, so we didn't stay out there for long. But I especially enjoyed all the roof lines of the old buildings nearby.
A coffee shop on a boat:
One of my old coworkers posted a picture here and Ian and I decided we wanted to check it out. It is on one of the canals in Edinburgh. It was actually quite a cute and peaceful spot. We go to at least one coffee shop a day, usually more...because, hello, I am travelling with Ian! Isla actually did sit by the window of the place the whole time until they made her hot chocolate. That smile in the last picture, it is because the lady is getting ready to hand her the hot chocolate. The girl really likes her some hot chocolate!
Golf at Bruntsfield Links:
There is a little pitch n put golf course in the middle of a huge park in Edinburgh. I used to work close to the park, so we were familiar with the area. And Ian had played it before with a friend. You go into a pub to check out your clubs and golf ball. It's quite cute. Though there are 36 holes, Ian did a good job with managing 9 holes, playing with Connor and Isla. There were times I feared for someone's head with the kids handling golf clubs, but all was well. Isla was actually way more into it than I expected.

Besides these things, we've gotten ice cream numerous times...because why not?! We have walked a ton and the kids really have been troopers about it. I noticed if they are distracted while walking, like engaged in conversation or something, they don't seem to notice they are walking and are totally fine. We generally only eat lunch out. Breakfast and dinner are enjoyed at our flat, making it much more pleasant for all involved. I am just not a fan of taking tired, hungry kids out to dinner. It really has been a good trip and I'm enjoying having Ian around all the time.
And just in case you haven't seen my other posts - here is our visit to Edinburgh Castle and Stirling Castle.
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