It was spring break this week. Connor went to visit my parents in LA for the week. I was looking forward to sleeping in, alas the bathroom workers decided this was a good week to show up at 7:30am most of the days. #awesome
Here are some good things I came across this week:
Anyone that is a parent and has gone anywhere outside their home has probably seen someone side glare at them or make comments under their breath about their children. My kids are not an inconvenience (for you) was a good read about that.
Crockpot chicken enchilada casserole - I haven't tried it yet, but it looks so easy, I plan to make it soon.
The New York Times article, Being a Sober Parent in a Wine Mom Culture, is worth a read. It's important for everyone to think about why and how much they are drinking.
It's always good to have a little perspective in life and On the Day I Die did that for me.
We haven't used or had a microwave in years and usually when people find out, they don't understand how we exist without one. Why we don't use a microwave does a good job explaining some of the reasons microwaves aren't so healthy. If it's too long, skip to the bottom and check out the alternatives to microwaves.
I'm trying to decide between buying this mama tee or this tired and happy tee. They both sum up my life right now well!
I hope you have a great weekend, surrounded by those you love and celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Happy Easter!

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