It's no secret that I love to take pictures. I literally have thousands and thousands of pictures of the kids. But the question is, what to do with those pictures so the kids can look at them and enjoy them as well.
I started Connor a baby book when he was a baby. It was a Shutterfly one. I gave up after 100 pages, and was only like 6 months into his life. The problem was I loved every single picture and moment and wanted to keep them all. Well, after that attempt, which I never ordered, I didn't do anything. I had been eyeing these adorable baby books from Lucy Darling for a while, but could never pull the trigger because, well, I'm cheap. Then one day I found someone selling a brand new boy one for $6, so I bought it and started working on it for Callum. Well, I fell in love and ended up buying ones for Connor and Isla at full price...I liked them that much!
And let me tell you, I had SO MUCH FUN going through all our old pictures to find pictures for their albums. I also loved that the albums had so many prompts, making it easy to know exactly what pictures I was looking for. I also loved that the kids will someday be able to look at an album with my handwriting in it. The back has several blank pages and I made sure to include pictures of them with family members, because I know how valuable those pictures will be when they are older.
Also, I forgot just how amazing actual pictures feel. I mean this compared to the Shutterfly type albums, of which we have many. Not to mention, I loved getting out their hospital bracelets and other hospital mementos and putting them in the books. I am planning on putting an envelope in the back cover of each book to slip in a few more pictures that I didn't have space for, but just couldn't pass up.
^^ That picture of Ian holding Connor in the hospital was taken not long after he was born. I took it with my phone while laying down, still in the delivery room. It still remains one of my favorite pictures ever. And, you guys, I forgot how smily Isla was. Literally every picture from her first year of life, she has a smile in.
I had so much fun doing these, I am thinking of shelling out the money for the toddler books...or at least asking for them for Mother's Day, because they are totally mom related! Plus, the toddler books have spaces for things the kids have said. I have this adorable quote book for Connor, but the company went out of business not long after I got it, so I never had the chance to get one for Isla, let alone for Callum. And the kids think it's so funny to look at it and read the silly things Connor said as a toddler.

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