Let's start with christmas eve...that's when this picture was from, after the day was done, the kids were all matching jammied up and ready for bed. But, christmas eve was a full one this year. It started with church in the morning. Then we actually went and got bread from our favorite baker before heading out to Ian's parents to celebrate. Ian's brother and his family were there too. We all had lunch together, then opened presents. We stayed there all afternoon. In the evening, we were planning on taking the kids to the same light show we have for the past three years. But, we got there and it wasn't happening. Kind of sad. There were a bunch of other cars there all confused too. However, I knew of a cool house light show, so we drove to that instead. We watched that for probably 20 minutes (without any of it repeating!?!) before deciding to head home. That night the kids went to bed without a peep. It really was a christmas miracle! But I did tell them they needed to stay in bed and be quiet so I could set everything up. Apparently they listened!
Christmas morning, everything was all set up and ready to go. I actually gave myself a blood blister trying to put together Callum's scooter. I guess I'm not always the handiest. Like last year, the kids each had different wrapping paper and didn't find out which was theirs until the bottom of their stockings. I asked the kids later what their favorite presents were. Connor said his was a box of jokes, which was in his stocking. Isla's was a fashion designer toy that I purchased on a whim. It ended up being really neat. Callum didn't tell me, but I am pretty sure his favorite were the Paw Patrol books. Paw Patrol is kind of his thing right now...which is sort of funny given we only have netflix and it isn't on there, so he doesn't really get to watch it.
After all the presents were open, I made us pose for a family picture. In full disclosure, I first tried in front of the christmas tree, but given that the tree blocks our one large window in the living room and we only have one light in the room, it didn't turn out well. Sooo, I drug everyone up to our bedroom where the lighting is excellent. And, I have to say, it was totally worth it!
The rest of christmas day was spent at home. We made dinner for my parents, my brother and his girlfriend and my aunt and uncle. We kept the fire burning in the fireplace all day. The kids got to play and play and play with their toys. It was a good day.

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