The night before Connor turned eight, I spent a bunch of time going through old pictures of him to make a photo collage. I had so much fun walking down memory lane. Moments that seem like they happened yesterday, but also feel like a lifetime ago. I really do love how pictures can take me immediately back to that moment. Then Connor got in on the action and his little comments were cracking me up. Him remembering special moments or saying how cute he was as a little kid or requesting for me to find pictures from certain times. I really enjoyed laying in his bed with him doing that. It was a really great way to spend his last night as a seven year old.
Connor is such a special kid. He can seem so grown up at times, yet is still so tender toward me. He still lets me lay in bed with him and talk. He asks for me to go out on the playground with him at recess when I volunteer in his class. He will hold my hand on the way home from school. I hope we are always able to maintain and open and close relationship.
Connor is still very much a first born personality. He is a natural leader and tends to do well around adults. He is a rule follower through and through, though does an excellent job pushing his sister's buttons all the time. He loves reading. In fact, that is probably an understatement. He literally reads for hours each day. He loves it that much. His current favorites are the diary of a wimpy kid series and the captain underpants series. He also really enjoyed the jake drake series and books by Roald Dahl. Him and I are still reading through the Harry Potter series together, but that's a him and I thing, so kind of separate from anything else.
Connor has a very vivid and alive imagination and can often be found drawing complicated things and making up story lines to go with them. He loves playing board games. He isn't picky, almost any will do. He loves playing with friends. He can often be found awake literally hours past his bedtime...poor guy has always struggled going to sleep at night! And he is generally the first kid up in the morning too.
Connor is quite the picky eater, though has really branched out lately. I laugh about him being picky because he literally will not eat meat, yet he loves shrimp. He would drink gatorade all the time if I let him. His favorite breakfast is currently eggs over medium. The yolks have to be runny or he won't eat them. He also loves egg nog and ramen noodle soup. Oh, and let us not forget munchies and cheetos. He may be picky, but sure loves his junk food! Actually, he will eat pretty much any fruit. He's just not a fan of veggies or meat.
Here's Connor's answers to the same questions I've asked him for the past several years:
What's your full name? Connor Thomas Booth Grimbleby
How old are you? 8
How tall are you? 4 1/2 feet
What color are your eyes? Blue
What color is your hair? Brown
What is your favorite...
color - red
food - ramen noodles and mac & cheese
drink - root beer, orange crush and dr pepper (this made me laugh. I know he has had root beer before, but I never
knew he had had the other drinks before, so who knows!)
ice cream - cherry sherbert
toy - bey blades (he just got them at his birthday party)
book - Captain Underpants
song - I don't have a favorite song
tv show - I don't really watch tv (hahahahah!)
movie - Cars 2 (he swore he hated these movies up until a week ago!)
thing to do - play
game - monopoly
sport - soccer
animal - allosaurus
Who is your best friend? Nixon
What is your favorite thing about yourself? That I'm the oldest one in my family
Three things that make you special:
1. I'm the oldest one in my family
2. I have a lot of friends
3. I know how to play chess
I asked if he wanted to add anything and he said he wanted to add that his favorite app is super mario cart run. And I would like to add that I found out he was telling everyone proudly on his birthday that he was born in Scotland. That made me smile. I have often wondered what he would think about that the older he gets and it was fun to find out from some of the adults at his school that he was telling all them...which of course led to questions of why we lived there and such.
This past eight years has been quite the journey. This boy of mine has stretched me more than I knew I could stretch. He has pushed my patience. He has made me love more than I knew possible. And he has made me swell with joy and pride more than I knew I could. That's eight years down and a lifetime left to go.
In case you want to take a walk down memory lane with Connor, here are his updates from years past - 7 years, 6 years, 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year and 6 months.

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