^^ I promise that in no way shape or form was Connor being tortured...in fact, he actually had fun.
^^ Connor went home saying he really wanted a rabbit
A week ago we went to an angel breakfast hosted by the church where Isla goes to preschool. We went two years ago and it was really fun, so went back this year. The breakfast part was easy, except for Callum choking to the point of vomiting...but all of life can't be drama free! Though there was a full breakfast of pancakes, eggs and bacon, Isla chose to fill herself up on the chocolate chips and whipped cream intended on adorning the pancakes. That seemed a bit right, so no harm there.
Then there was a family craft...which was totally and completely chaotic, as it was Callum's nap time and both Connor and Isla had different visions about how said craft should look. The truly funny part was the kids became totally immersed in a coloring page after the craft, rather than the craft itself.
After the craft was the petting zoo. All the kids were into that. Though I wouldn't let Callum touch, given that his hands go straight into his mouth these days. Isla was really into the chickens, well really all the animals. And Connor only had eyes for the rabbit. He actually did a good job of getting it to come to him, but then other kids would run up and scare it off.
After this part was the family pictures and then a little presentation. Though present for the family pictures, Callum and I didn't hear the presentation. At this point, well past his nap time, Callum wasn't up for such. But he was a champ and made it happily through mostly everything.
All in all, it was a fun morning. A good time celebrating what Christmas is all about.

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