One of my hopes when I take milestone pictures of my kids, is to capture their personalities at that exact moment. These days, Connor is generally reluctant to be in front of the camera. He does it if I ask, but that is about it. Even when he is doing something cute or funny and he sees me go for my phone, he will yell, "don't take my picture!" and stop whatever he is doing. I know all that is part of the process of growing up and becoming more aware. But I also like to document to remember.
I would say Connor has a lot of the classic first born traits. He is a rule follower through and through. Outside of the home, he really doesn't want to let people down and tries following all the rules. We hear this a lot from his teachers. He is very social. He definitely likes being around people all the time. He is getting better and better at playing alone, but being with friends (or other kids in general) is definitely his thing. He is a boy of routine. In fact, he sits at the same table at lunch, in the same spot, every day, regardless of who is sitting at that table. He tells me of eating with total strangers rather than friends because he wants to always sit at that table.
Connor is all about Star Wars these days. He could tell you more Start Wars facts than you care to know. He made a lego layout one day where he made all his own episodes, naming each episode and creating characters. He also likes dressing up like the characters. Another thing he really enjoys is playing games. Battleship, Monopoly, Clue Jr, Hangman...the list goes on. He still really enjoys books and is very good at reading these days. In fact, he said his favorite birthday present was the brick bible (a lego picture bible) we got him. Connor also loves writing stories and drawing pictures to go along with those stories.
This little interview will probably be the best way to get a little insight into Connor at seven years old:
What's your full name? Connor
How old are you? 7
How tall are you? I don't know
What color are your eyes? Blue
What color is your hair? Brown
What day of the week is it? Monday
What is your favorite...
color - blue
food - ramen noodles and my favorite bread (locally sourced sourdough bread)
drink - apple juice, I mean icee
ice cream - vanilla
toy - all of them
book - the brick bible
song - get down (from church)
tv show - my little pony
movie - star wars
thing to do - play with toys, watch tv, eat, get presents, playing with friends, having sleepovers, playing with my cousin Tanner
game - monopoly and battleship
sport - baseball
animal - trex
Who is your best friend? Tanner (his cousin)
Three things that make you special:
1. I'm good at batting
2. I have a lot of toys
3. I was born in Scotland
^^ I love the genuine smile on his face in this jumping picture
In case you want to take a walk down memory lane with Connor, here are his updates from years past - 6 years, 5 years, 4 years, 3 years, 2 years, 1 year and 6 months. And here was Connor's interview from last year.

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