Getting the mail during December is one of the funnest thing for me because of ALL THE CARDS. Every single last one of them that I receive brings a smile to my face. I love hearing from friends and family near and far. I love seeing notes in cards, watching friends (who I don't live by anymore) children grow. I just love it all. So thank you to every single person who sent me a card. I loved them all. Now, lets find out who the five winners are this year…and who won the bag of coffee.
First to arrive - I love that a card arrived in my mailbox while I was decorating for Christmas. The timing couldn't have been better. So, thank you for that Heidi!
Best Handwritten Note - I actually received a lot of cards with notes in them this year. I love that people are getting creative with their cards and sending some fancy ones. But this took the cake…the envelope was done so beautifully in calligraphy. I loved it. Thanks for that Brittany.
Best Photo - I had a hard time selecting the best photo. There was a funny one, a cute one (actually a few cute ones) and this one. It looks like it belongs in a magazine. And just look at the adorable boy in the middle! Well done on making cute kids and a great picture Josh and Megan!
Best Update - I like the new trend of doing little updates of the kids on the back of the card (I am totally stealing this idea for next year). So, way to go Amy for being a trendsetter.
Best Overall - I love a good quality card. Not only was the paper nice and the foil lettering amazing, but look at that family photo! And, to top it off, they did the kids update on the back too. Way to knock it out of the park Kori!
Brittany!!! You may not love coffee, but I am sure Gavin will be happy ;)
Oh, and I ordered our cards last week…so they should be to everyone by the end of the month. But, I figure it's a trend of sending out cards late, given that we got one in the mail yesterday. So, we are just trying to be trendy…or just had a baby and are trying to keep up with life!

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