I don't know if it was adding a third kid or the crapload of things added to our home during the holidays, but I was left feeling a bit frazzled. I felt like I didn't have anywhere I could just relax because everywhere I turned, I saw stuff that needed to be done. So, I tackled the living room. I decluttered and have been consistently cleaning it on a daily basis. That way, when all the little people are in bed, I have a place to go sit and relax…without staring at a bunch of things that need to be done.
^^ Imagine me curled up on the couch, blanket over me, baby on my chest. And I am either drinking coffee while reading the news, processing through the excessive amount of photos I take of my children weekly or watching House.
And, of course, that has sent me on a rabbit trail of purging in our home. I am not saying that Ian and I don't add stuff to our home, but the kids really make it bad. And the fall is just hard for us with all the kids birthdays and Christmas. It is like a constant flow of stuff. Not to mention all the school papers and crafts they bring home. And, I don't know about anyone else's kids, but my kids want to keep every single last thing they touch…right down to rocks and paper clips.
I want our home to be a place of relaxation and enjoyment. I saw this quote in a book (that I should have written down the name of), "Home. A place of rest while we are on this earth. A safe place for our children. A place to love and be loved. A place that is beautiful. A haven." This has really resonated with me the past couple weeks and it is how I want our home to be. Not a place of chaos both physically and mentally. But a place that we can relax and enjoy ourselves.
So, I have been working. I have been working on purging the things from our home that don't serve that purpose. The excess. The outgrown. The we may use it someday. I want to create space. Space to relax. Space to create. Space to play. Space to be.

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