I always have the greatest of intentions of doing regular interviews with my kids. But somehow, I always manage to forget…or really never think about it unless I see someone else post a cute interview with their kid.
This week, Connor was supposed to fill out this all about me poster for school. It was fun asking him the questions and hearing his answers. And, it reminded me how fleeting this time is and how I really do need to remember to do interviews with the kids…maybe for their birthday's? Anyway, here is the responses that Connor gave for his school poster.
My favorite...
Color: blue
Animal: chickens and bunnies
Food: cake and hawaiian pizza
Book: my space book
Sport: tball
Thing to do at school: lunch time and play outside
Thing to do at home: build creations with my legos
I am a star because: I played tball
I show others I care by: hugging them, kissing them and playing with them
Three supercool facts about me:
1. I was born in Scotland
2. I really like Disneyland
3. I'm really good at building legos
I noticed a little theme in there with the legos. Not surprising because they really are Connor's favorite toy and he spends a lot of time every day playing with them. The answers that really got me were his favorite animal being chickens and bunnies. And the hawaiian pizza threw me for a loop because we really don't eat pizza much…maybe we should have it a little more often if it's Connor's favorite food!
Now to get started on my own little list of interview questions so I can interview the kids for their birthdays this year. Of course, remembering and actually executing the interview are most of my problem!

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Great survey, Connor! I was impressed with him liking Hawaiian pizza!