Connor just finished up two weeks of private swim lessons through the city. Given that last year he wouldn't even get off the step of the pool, regardless if someone would hold him or not, he definitely has grown this year. One of his huge fears has been putting his face in the water. Even with goggles on, he has big issues with not wanting to get his eyes wet. But, by the end of the two weeks, he was consistently doing it. The last two lessons, he even grasped the concept of opening his eyes underwater, with his goggles on of course. Now, Connor isn't swimming on his own yet. But, he is getting more comfortable in the water. He is blowing bubbles out both his nose and mouth. And he is starting to get the hang of using a kick board on his own. After his lessons ended, he actually asked me to sign him up again. This is huge for him. Now I am hoping that Isla will follow suit, given that I am pretty sure her fear of water has really been her feeding off Connor's fears.
On a side note, there was a lifeguard at every lesson, who obviously really did nothing. Sometimes he would float around the pool, other times just stand in the shade. But this kid had colored rubber bands on his braces and for some reason that just really cracked me up…and made me feel old.

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That's huge!! I'm glad the lessons are working and he wants to continue! :)