^^ Isla getting a hug from her favorite teacher, Janet…or as Isla calls her "Princess Janet". She has even played "teacher Janet" at home, so I know Janet must be really special to her.
^^ The whole class. Isla is in the top row, third from the left.
^^ And this would be an instance when Isla thought it was funny not to cooperate with a picture. She refused to look at the camera, hence her teacher holding her face. I love these ladies and have enjoyed the past two years with them. I am going to miss not seeing them.
Connor had his graduation on Thursday night. It was more of an affair. All four Pre-K classes graduated together. It was in the church sanctuary. All the teachers were all dressed up. It was fun to see them like that. In fact, when we walked in, Connor just stopped and stared at one of his teachers. She said, "I know you are used to seeing me in yoga pants, but it really is me." Hahaha!
Connor's graduation started out with a slideshow of pictures from the year. Then, they had the kids graduate by class. When it was their turn, the kids individually walked across the stage, hugging each of their teachers and getting something from each - their diploma, a personalized book of pictures from the year and a cd of the slideshow. Afterward, there was a dessert reception and my kids spent tons of time running around with their friends from school.
^^ I know this picture is blurry and not in focus, but I still totally love it. I love how much these ladies loved on my boy over the past year.
I so love the preschool that the kids go to…or Connor went to. It is just such a loving and nurturing environment. The teachers really do care and are so invested in the kids. I look forward to Isla being there next year and am excited that she is going to have the same set of teachers that Connor had this year. Not only do they rock, but Isla already knows them from being with me when we dropped off and picked Connor up.
And after me posting more than you ever wanted to read about preschool over the past week, just like that, it is over…until next year, that is! And if you didn't keep up, I wrote about my feelings on Connor's last week of school, I posted their last day of school photos and I posted pictures of them with their diplomas. Okay, I'm done.

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Eeep! Your kids are getting so big. I love Isla's dress, and that first picture of Connor really stresses that fact he is going to be a lady killer when he gets older!