The end of Connor's tball season was last week. It was something he really enjoyed and wants to do again. And he got better as the season went on. Though, I had to laugh when at the team party, his coach described him as "the most aggressive outfielder who went for every ball and had to be held back so others could get the ball too." Connor seriously went for every single last ball no matter where he was on the outfield. And the funny part was, many times he would get it. And, a few times it ended in him and other team mates tackling each other for the ball.
Every week the coach gave out a pack of baseball cards to the player of the day. It killed Connor every week that he didn't get the cards. Obviously I realized they were eventually going to give one to each player, but Connor didn't get that. When he finally got his cards, he was so dang proud and excited. Also, at the last game, every kid got a pack of cards for being a team player. Connor has been playing with those baseball cards so much and sleeping with them on his bed.
^^ Throwing to first…Connor would actually count the number of times he got the ball in outfield during a game and tell me at the end. I was impressed that he could remember.
^^ This is one of those melt my mama heart pictures…giving dad a high five after making it to first base. A lady from another team actually made fun of our team for the fact that all the dads would go out on the field during the games. But I thought it was so cool that so many dads wanted to help out.
^^ It was kind of my favorite watching Connor crouch in this position while playing outfield.
^^ The day Connor got the pack of baseball cards for being player of the day.
I have to admit, I wasn't too keen on having Connor play tball because it is such a commitment. But seeing how much he loved it and how much pride he had in it made me glad he got to play. And really, it wasn't ever him that was the problem at games, really just his dramatic sister. But we all survived and I am a believer and will be letting him play again next year if he wants.

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