This past weekend, we participated in
Love Modesto. It is basically one day where the whole city gets together and does various projects throughout the city. It's a pretty cool movement that started in Modesto a few years ago and now is done in over 50 cities. This year Ian's work sponsored a project, which was making bears for kids in crisis situations. In one morning, we made more than 200 bears (cut, sewn, stuffed, the whole deal) that are being distributed to police, fire, hospital and CPS. And, it was a project our kids could get involved in! Though, truth be told, they both lost interest in stuffing bears pretty quickly. I was impressed though, because the workers quickly learned Connor's name and put him to work handing out stuffing and collecting finished bears that needed to be sewn shut. And then, toward the end, Connor and Isla took to rolling around the floor in the stuffing. But I gave them a break because 3 hours making bears is a long time for little kids.

^^ Connor wrote his own name tag. I was proud of him because he has problems writing in small spaces and he is getting so much better at it.
It was a fun morning, doing something for others and chatting away while we worked. I even sewed some of the bears shut…sewing definitely isn't my strong point, so lets hope they stay shut!
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