Given that this was our first go at something like this, I had no clue how to dress Connor for the occasion. I have since learned and got him some new duds ;) We did show up with a glove and a bat, so go us!
^^ Practicing running bases
^^ Listening to his coach explain to him how to bat.
Can we take a moment to laugh at the fact that Connor's poor tball team doesn't even get to practice on a real field?! This is a place with tons of baseball diamonds and poor tball has to practice in the very back on a small patch of grass.
Connor was super into his tball practice and it was super cute. When they would give the kids a drink break, Connor would run to me and drink as fast as he could and run back. He was always the first kid back out there. Though, when they were practicing the kids catching ground balls, Connor kept sitting down on the job, but you can't when them all! When it came time to practice hitting the ball, one of the coaches helped show Connor how to hold his bat and he hit the FIRST ball they threw at him. I (his completely unathletic mother) was so amazingly proud of him.
Life is definitely going to get busy with a couple practices and a game every week for the spring. But it's good. I like watching my little boy being all excited about something. Plus, I can work on my farmers tan.

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I finally had the chance to upload the video I made a few days ago :) I hope you like it!!