Like the name suggests, we were served breakfast by angels. There was also a live nativity, along with a petting zoo, a family craft, then a story time. The highlight of the morning was definitely the animals. Connor said his favorite thing was "petting the little pig". And Isla was perfectly content petting every furry little rabbit in sight.
^^ I asked Isla to color the cow for our nativity craft and she instantly drew a face on it. I totally loved it! It doesn't take much to please me ;)
^^ Us with the finished product. And I swear the kids had fun and weren't being tortured...well, they did act like they were being tortured when I made them take a picture with me, but they were having fun both before and after the picture.
^^ Connor and teacher Cindy
At the end of the morning, they had all the kids get on stage and a lady told the Christmas story to them. Of course, my kids, sitting next to each other, started fighting. It wasn't long before Isla joined us in the audience. And it wasn't much longer after that that Connor started getting really fidgety and crawling around. It was about then that one of Connor's teachers invited him to sit by her in the front row and he jumped at the chance. You would think with all that went down, the story lasted hours, but I really think it was only around five minutes. My kids just can't sit still!!!
It was a great morning and I am glad we went. It makes me happy to do things that make my kids so happy. That sounds so cheesy, but it is so incredibly true. I'm a mom, what can I say?!

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