A Morning of Parties
After the performance, we ate a light lunch. Isla was very proud of the turkey craft she made and kept talking about it being in a pumpkin. She also kept putting her hand up to her turkey hand print that was on her placemat craft. When it was time to go, one of Isla's teachers came and sat with her while I left.
On to Connor's class...this boy is such a ham. He was practicing the song hand motions and making funny faces before the performance even started. And in this above shot, he pointed right at me while "singing". He didn't actually sing during the performance, but he did do all the hand motions and that is a HUGE improvement from last year...when he would just stand around and try to distract the other kids that were actually singing.
Just like in Isla's class, Connor's class had a meal. Except Connor's class had a full on thanksgiving feast, complete with pumpkin pie! His class drew pictures of their families (below). I asked Connor who was who and he quickly explained to me that he is the big person eating the rest of us. Awesome. This guy certainly isn't lacking imagination or personality!
I had a lot of fun getting to do something special with each kid for their thanksgiving parties. It is fun watching them in the school setting and seeing how they respond to everyone and everything around them. And these two little buckets of energy are at the top of my list of thankfulness. I feel so blessed to have them and love them so much.

Seeking Validation


It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...
^^ This just may be my current favorite picture of my kids together!
Is it me or is Christmas getting earlier and earlier every year? I used to decorate our house on Thanksgiving evening because I thought I was breaking some rule by decorating earlier. But, this year my neighbor put up their Christmas tree the week after halloween. That sparkly tree in their front window has brought my kids so much joy. On the second night, Connor even excitedly shouted, "It's still up mom, it's still up!" And santa is already out at the mall. So much for waiting for Thanksgiving to pass!
I'm not going to lie, I kind of love Christmas starting earlier and lasting longer. I know some people, shall we call them grinches?, hate it. But I have nothing but love. It is my favorite holiday, after all. I had a customer at Starbucks go crazy on me for us starting to play Christmas music at the beginning of December...of course, I couldn't understand his dismay because I was loving it!
With Christmas starting earlier, it gives me more time to dress my kids in cute holiday clothes. Should I mention that Isla has three holiday dresses this year?!? A little overkill, I know...but one was mine as a toddler, and the other two are adorable hand me downs...and they all MUST BE WORN! Speaking of Christmas clothes, these adorable personalized Christmas shirts from Bright Star Kids will definitely be worn a lot this holiday season...and I may have ordered a size up in hopes they can still wear them next year! I am in love with the fact that Isla's has little cap sleeves on it. And, since I always feel like I missed out on the whole matching clothes thing for my kids, after all they are a boy and girl, I like that I am able to find coordinating pieces for them.
Now to get on decorating for the holidays...I totally thought I would jump on the bandwagon and do it early this year, alas life has been busy and there hasn't been time yet. Soon, though. Soon.
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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Bright Star Kids. The opinions and text are all mine.
Second Annual Christmas Card Challenge
It's no secret that I love Christmas cards. I send them out every year, no matter what. There have been times I got them in the mail only a couple days before Christmas, but they still got out! Over the years I have noticed the amount of cards we receive is directly related to the amount I send out. I send out a lot. Thus, we get a lot. It is like a party in my mail box during the month of December and I love it.
Last year I decided to do a Christmas card challenge. I am doing it again this year, but upping the anti. This year a $20 Starbucks card is at stake. I decided to stick with the same categories I did last year:
- First card to arrive
- Best handwritten note
- Best photo(s)
- Best update
- Best overall

Connor {5 years}
I don't know what I have a harder time wrapping my head around, the fact that Connor is five or the fact that I have been a mom for five years! So much of this parenting gig seems like it just happened yesterday, yet so many of the details are already fuzzy. I'm thankful for this boy of mine. Thankful for the noise, joy and laughter he brings to our home.

Fashion on the Fifteenth
Every time the season changes, I get excited to change my wardrobe as well. I was getting so tired of wearing the same ole shorts over and over. And I know, come spring, I will be so ready to get those shorts on again! But, at the moment, I am happy for our fall-ish temps and being able to change up the wardrobe a bit.


Connor is Five
Connor, I can't imagine my life, our family, without you. You bring such joy and adventure to my life. Keep on being you. And enjoy us loving and celebrating YOU today.

The San Francisco Zoo