We didn't really do much in the way of touristy things in London, but we did go on the London Eye. Isla fell asleep on our way to it and slept through the entire thing. Connor, on the other hand, was so excited and enjoyed the entire ride. His favorite part seemed to be the "iPads" they had in there explaining what you were looking at. He kept running from one to another and getting really excited about it.
I had a couple random things on my "to do" list and we managed to do them. One was take the kids to Hamleys toy store. It is a 7 story toy store. It is a bit overwhelming, but totally fun non-the-less. We said each kid could pick out a small toy. Connor picked one out right away (a lego...shockingly). And Isla, well she never picked one out. I tried and I tried, but the girl went home empty handed. She didn't seem to mind though and had plenty of fun playing with the various toys on display.
The only non-kid friendly thing I wanted to do was to go to Portobello Market. It was super crowded, but I really enjoyed roaming the street and seeing all that was for sale. In the middle of it, we sat down and ate lunch outside. Both Ian and I enjoyed sitting there and people watching, as there were certainly plenty of people to look at. Just down the street from the market is the Princess Diana Memorial Playground. I had read online that it was super cool and it did not disappoint.

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I love that your kids got to experience Europe! So cool!