There is something about going back to a place you are all to familiar with. You have the ease of getting around without directions. You feel a sense a peace. Then again, you have a list a mile long of things you want to do because you know what you are missing out on if you don't!!!Oh, Edinburgh. It is such a magical place to me. I had never been there before we moved there and this place stole my heart rather quickly. There is something so magical about the castle in the middle of the city, the cobblestone streets, the flowers everywhere. Then, there are the old bay windows, the cozy cafes and the beautiful bridges. It really is a special place. We had the privilege of not only visiting some of our favorite places, but also catching up with some old friends. I got to see a few of my old work mates, and even managed to sneak out for dinner one night. We also had fun playing in the park with one of Ian's old work mates and his kids...who oddly enough we also met up with when we went to Vancouver, Canada a couple years ago. After living in drought conditions for a while, I was almost shocked by how lush and green it is. It was so beautiful. Not to mention, the chill in the air and actually needing a jacket and scarf...while California is still suffering through temps in the high 90's. Even with a jacket on, Connor was cold. He asked how he was supposed to keep his face warm!

My only regret is that we didn't have more time to spend in Edinburgh. I really want my kids to fall in love with the place that has stolen my heart. And, hopefully we can manage to make it back for another visit in less than four years this time!
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You got some absolutely beautiful shots in Edinburgh. Each one is prettier than the next! You also got some nice family pictures... what a wonderful way to remember your trip.