Even a year ago, you would have scratched your head when you looked at my summer wardrobe. I literally had two pairs of shorts. Why? I hated shorts. My legs have always been my least favorite part of my body, so from my late teens on, I avoided shorts like the plague. And, the two pairs I had went down to my knees.
I'm not sure what happened, but I decided to try shorter shorts. It started with a pair I ordered online from Old Navy. When they came, they totally fit, but just felt so freaking short...because, well, they didn't go down to my knees! But, I happened to order them right before my birthday and Ian got me a cute flowy tunic for my birthday that ended up looking perfect with my smaller than normal shorts, so I kept them.

Not only did I keep them and wear them all the time, I went out and bought another pair of shorts that don't touch my knees. I am like a new woman! To be honest, I feel like I have finally figured out what works for my body. For years, I always wore tight shirts because I was afraid any bagginess made me look "fat". Well, guess what? I realized not only do I look good in looser tops, I LOVE them! And I discovered the opposite to be true for bottoms. I always favored baggier jeans and pants. In fact, I thought skinny anything was out of the picture do to my legs. Let me tell you, when I finally tried skinny jeans, it changed my life for the better.
Dramatic, I know. But, back to shorts and summer outfits...
Shirt: Anthropologie
Shorts: Old Navy
Shoes: Target
Bag: Jo Totes (It's a camera bag!)
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