Connor didn't even act like he cared that yesterday was his last day of school. I kept asking him things like, "Are you going to miss your teachers? Are you going to miss your friends?" and kept getting stares back like, "What are you talking about crazy woman?!" I have a suspicion that a couple weeks into summer, Connor will be asking how many sleeps until school again. Either way, I was saddened, yet happy, about Connor's last day of school. Saying goodbye to an amazing set of teachers. The realization that my little man is growing up. It all just got me a little. But, I am super excited for summer. For sleeping in (haha) and going on little adventures.
I knew there was a pizza party at the end of school today, but it was more than I expected. They showed a slideshow of pictures of the kids throughout the year. Then they did a little promotion and all the kids got a certificate. It was cute.
^^ Oh sibling love! I'll take what I can get through.
Congratulations, you have almost made it to the end of the post. I know you are thinking, "How many pictures did she really need for one last day of school?!?" I actually picked out even more, then realized I was a little out of control. So if you are feeling saddened because, say, you didn't get to see a picture of Isla clapping at her brother graduating, I am sorry. But if you felt like this was a picture overload, you're welcome that I stopped when I did!
Here's a little comparison from the beginning to the end of the year. It doesn't seem like Connor has changed that much, but when I think about it, he really has. He can do many more things (like count to 100) and has developed a like love for minions. In case you want to go back a little (like this sentimental mom), here is the post from Connor's first day of school.
Now let's bring on the summer fun!
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typical boy putting the chalkboard over his face. i kinda love it!