A couple weeks into the new year, I got a package at my door. I have no clue who it was from. It came with no return address or note. And it contained the most adorable little gnome that is currently chilling on my mantle. That little gnome made my day. It also got me thinking...sometimes I do nothing because I feel like I can't do something big enough. Even small acts of generosity are still generous and can put a smile on someone's face. Things like unexpectedly paying for a friend's lunch, giving a small gift to someone or blessing someone in need. Heck, being generous doesn't even have to cost money. It can be loaning someone something or passing on hand-me-downs to a friend. Really, I would like to live my life in a way where those around me KNOW they are more valuable to me than my stuff or my money.

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Your small acts of generosity can be big for others! :)