
As I mentioned before, for 2014, I decided to take pictures of the kids, rather than be in pictures with the kids. I go back through pictures all the time and have realized that pictures of the kids doing things end up being some of my favorites because it reminds me of who they were at that exact moment. So that is what I will be posting, a candid photo of each kid each week with a small description about who they are right then.

Connor: Last week I built Connor a little village out of legos. He has spent countless hours since arresting people, having bears attack and driving a flame shooting car around.

Isla: Isla is obsessed with Finding Nemo. When I saw a nemo book at the thrift store for her, I picked it up and it was definitely a winner. While laying on her belly, she was "reading" the book..."Hi, I Dori..."

I'm linking up with The 52 Project over at Practising Simplicity this year.

You can also find me on:


  1. Oh Isla, how is that comfortable? Silly girl. I can't wait for Austin to do boy things, like LEgos with flame shooting cars & bear attacks. So fun. I'm excited to watch these kids grow over the next year.

  2. These are so great! It will be fun to watch how even his lego building skills will improve and soon there will be things he has built!

  3. Great photos! And great idea. I'll definitely be following along! :)


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