I feel like I constantly have to direct my kids away from electronics. And the funny part is, once they begin to play, they completely forget about said electronics. But trying to get them to play is a whole other story! And this is the reason I have limits set about electronics in our home.
Connor loves his legos. He especially loves the whole "good guy/bad guy" thing. And the little lego money. He really likes that too. Isla really likes Foofa, which is funny given that we never watch Yo Gabba Gabba. While we were on vacation earlier this year, we took the kids to a toy store and let them each pick out a toy. Isla chose Foofa and they have been friends ever since...and Foofa is totally all stained and gross, but such is life.
We have been playing out on our front porch this fall. The afternoon sun on us is a welcome relief to the chill in the air. And I will take whatever fresh air we can get because I know soon enough we will be more limited in our outdoor play*. And sometimes that slight change of scenery is all the kids need to get their wiggles out.
*We all know playing in the rain is like my all time favorite, so I can't wait for a good rain to come along!

I know I'm already relying too much on tv for entertainment...but we are experiencing the 24 hour rainfall...WA needs a lot more indoor playgrounds!