Loudly, in a stinky public restroom, Connor exclaimed, "Mama, who pooped and made it stink?"
Riley eat me, then got to Papa and Memaw's, poop me out and I stay there forever.
** Riley is Papa and Memaw's dog
I have little hair here and here (points at arms), but I have big hair on my head.
After I gave Connor a piece of gum:
Connor: Daddy would not be happy I have gum.
Me: Should I call and tell him?
Connor: No, He will just not be happy when he comes home.
When I get bigger, I'm going to work at the gym and teach sissy how to swim all by herself.
**Says the kid who hates getting in the pool!
Playing with my nose ring:
Connor: Does it keep your nose from getting boogies?
Me: No, just makes my nose look pretty.
Connor: NOOOOO!!!
I like M&M's. They are goooood for my tummy.
And one of Connor's new favorite things to say to me pretty much every time he gets in trouble:
I want you to stop saying that to me!
That kid! He's always keeping me on my toes.

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