Beach Day

Yesterday we headed to the beach in celebration of a friend's birthday. After hitting traffic on the way there and having to pay an arm and a leg for parking, I wasn't feeling much in the beachy spirit. Thankfully, the beach (and hanging out with friends) changed my attitude. 

Even though Connor had a great time playing in the water the last time we went to the beach, he wouldn't go by the water at all this time. But it worked out. One of his good friends was there and he doesn't like the water either, so they both enjoyed playing in the sand with each other for hours. 

And both my kids seem to have an obsession with soda of any kind. Let's just say its probably a good thing I don't keep it around our house. Isla only got a hold of one random soda. But Connor, well I am pretty sure he drank after every sigle soda drinker at the party! 

Isla went and played in the water a few times with Ian. She loved it. And just a little PSA for those of you with girls out there. Isla has this swimsuit. I thought it looked a little corny, but it is my new best friend. It kept all the sand out of Isla's diaper! And girlfriend was rolling around and playing in the sand all afternoon. I was impressed. 

I have to admit, I think the best part of the day for me was that the kids were almost completely self entertained and I was able to enjoy just hanging with my friends. 

P.S. How sad is it that my calves are killing me today just from the stairs leading from the parking lot to the beach?! So much for the gym getting me in shape! But in my defense, it was a lot of stairs! 

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