Everything was going well until Samantha made Connor float on his back. He hated it. He hates getting his face wet, so I don't think he liked it being close to the water. He was straining his neck trying to keep his head away from the water. And he started crying out for Ian and I. But he made it through and for that I was proud.
The last thing Samantha worked with Connor on was hand strokes. By this point in the lesson, I am thinking the novelty wore off and Connor was starting to act like himself. He was refusing to even try and crying out for me to him get out of the pool. This is where I was super impressed with Samantha. She held her ground (well, so did I) and refused to let Connor out of the pool until he at least tried. And he did. I was proud.
After all was said and done, guess what Connor remembers from his swim lesson? "My swim teacher took her shirt off and then got in the pool." Awesome. I'm glad that totally out of context, you remember that and are repeating it. Now before every young guy I know shows up at Connor's next lesson, it was just her taking her swimsuit cover up off. She had her bathing suit on the whole time. But seriously Connor, why do you have to remember that?!

Hahahaa! That's JUST the sort of thing a kid would repeat, right? I am so impressed that you both made him go ahead and try to paddle. It's so hard when your kid is calling out for you (I only know from dealing with my sisters, not even my own kid!)
ReplyDeleteThe shirt off comment (and your commentary) cracked me up! It's amazing what little kids remember. Though, as I have to remind myself, their memory is so short - maybe he really does only remember what happened in the first few minutes. My aide's kid remembers the first 10 minutes of a movie (in hilarious "detail"), then nothing.