Hello Spring!

We welcomed spring into our 'hood yesterday with some rain. Unfortunately that rain only happened at night...such a disappointment. I was looking forward to taking the kids out and dancing in it. sigh.

Fortunately, we have been taking advantage of the springish weather the past couple weeks and spending time outside everyday has become a part of our routine. It happens in the afternoon, after nap time, in case you care to know. And it has been happening in the front yard. Connor refuses to go into our backyard (or playroom, for that matter) because of our neighbor's dogs. But that deserves, and will get, a post of its own at some point.

Where was I? Oh yeah, spring, outdoor time, playing in the front yard...

Basically how things have been going down is I take the kids outside to play. Connor stalks spots one of our neighbor's out playing, either the kids across the street or the jr. higher next door and is off the play with them. That leaves me and Isla playing in the front yard all by our lonesome. I know she would rather be playing with the big kids. She lets me know by pointing and squawking. She's not big enough for that freedom yet. So she is stuck playing with her 'ole mom.

I swear, the sun on your face can fix just about any problem...at least until I go back inside and see my sink full of dishes.

Today I noticed one of our blueberry plants have blooms. So excited for the blueberries in our yard and the ones we will go out and pick.

Aww, spring...I am pretty sure you are my favorite season.


  1. Oh glorious sunshine! Happy Spring!

  2. In the mean time the PNW has a cold front passing through!

  3. mmm... blueberries! That is so fun! I did not know you had blueberries in your own yard!

  4. I love the second pic of Isla. She's such a beauty!


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