I must ask, why are carnival rides so freaking expensive? It's practically like taking your kid to Disneyland! But I am a sucker and love seeing Connor happy (then subsequently melt down once the fun is over).
Ian and Connor went on the big slide together. Even though Connor was big enough to go on it by himself, I didn't trust my little man to be by himself so high up in the air. That kid is unpredictable and I didn't want him to jump or try to run down the slide. Judging buy the smiles, I am thinking Ian had just as much fun on the slide as Connor.
Isla got to go on her first ferris wheel ride. Please don't tell her that Connor went on his first when he was only a week old. If we have another kid, they will probably have to wait until they are five or something.
Isla threw the tickets when we were waiting in line. Thankfully the nice carnie just laughed and climbed down and got them for us. Then Isla pitched a fit about sitting on the ferris wheel. The carnie was nervous about sending us up, as he said he didn't want me stuck so high up in the air with a crying toddler. So, he just ran the ferris wheel with only a fraction of the seats filled and a line of people waiting. Like I said, he was a nice carnie.
Isla loved the ferris wheel. She spent the whole time staring out. She even started laughing when we went up. It was cute. And I am glad I didn't get stuck at the top with her pitching a fit.
Connor went on the airplanes. It took him a while to figure out how to make the airplane go in the air. All the other airplanes were in the air and he was happy just going around in circles. We were yelling at him to pull the lever. He pulled it and went up a couple inches, then fell back down. That was enough for him to understand and he happily spent the rest of the time in the air.
^^ In this mama's eyes, this picture wins the most adorable picture of the day award. What is it about dad's and their kids?!
And this little obstacle course was Connor's last pick of the day. It was also what he ran into earlier in the day without a ticket. And it was also what he fell to the ground and cried in front of when we told him it was time to go. Sorry Connor, but all good things must come to an end.
Thankfully we got In-n-Out on the way home, so the good times didn't end at the carnival.

I love reading your blog. Such a cute family and you are so relatable. You make me feel like I am doing an okay job at this whole mom thing ;) Keep the great posts and cute pics coming!