Lately {in photos}

1. Trying to get a shot of my wiggle worms
2. Playing
3. Walking with Memaw (my mom)
4. Fall fun
5. Birtie Botts Beans!!!
6. Park fun
7. Pumpkin painting
8. The stomach flu came for a little visit
9. Isla's response to her Papa blowing her kisses
10. "Camping" at REI
11. At the train station waiting for uncle
12. Uncle arrived! 


  1. THANK YOU for posting the stomach flu pic! I get made fun of all the time for covering my couch in sheets and blankets when the kids get sick; I was thrilled to see someone else do the exact same thing. I have a nearly identical picture of my son. :)

    I love your blog - I'm an old family friend of the Grimbleby's (Ian's old babysitter!).
    - Amanda

    1. Glad you like the blog! And covering the couch is only sensible...especially since he threw up all over it about 30 minutes before and I had to take apart the whole thing and clean it! I definitely learned my lesson with that one.


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