Tonight I put my baby to bed for the last time. Tomorrow she wakes up a one year old. Everything will change, right? She will instantly sleep through the night and no longer need me. I kid. But still, she is growing up. I am both excited and sad at the same time. Before I know it, I will be having crazy and funny conversations with her like I do with Connor. The things that come out of that boy's mouth!
I don't know how it happened, but somehow formula never touched this little girl's lips. It started out with the fact that she never really took to a bottle. And then somewhere around six months, I realized it and thought it was kind of cool. Then it became a bit of a challenge to me. And I made it a whole year. Pretty dang cool if you ask me.
Its funny to have more than one kid and compare them a bit. Connor took to a bottle without any problems. And given how much I dislike pumping (serious disdain), I started giving him formula when we were out. Then there came the biting. I tried everything and couldn't get him to stop. So I stopped nursing him cold turkey. And the little stinker didn't even care. He was fine with his formula in a bottle. Of course, it was a pain in the butt for me to get to the kitchen in the middle of the night, half asleep, and make a bottle all the while he was screaming to be fed. But such is life.
Because Isla never really took to bottles, I don't have to wean her off of one. That's kind of cool. She just takes a sippy cup. That was funny to me because I had to teach Connor to use a sippy cup and he still preferred bottles for like forever.
Babies are all different, you get the picture.
I made it a year. It hasn't always been easy. It hasn't always been fun. But I sure am proud of myself for making it a year and never having to use formula. Take that tub of formula that has been sitting in my cupboard for Isla's whole year of life!

that's awesome...i love breastfeeding...but the thought of doing it for the next year seems a bit daunting. I guess one day at a time right?!