And given that there was less sightseeing to be had and more down time, it worked well for the kids. They had time to run free in a park. There was a skate park next to the kids play area and Connor was very intrigued by it. He wanted to sit in the middle of it, which obviously I didn't let him. And he kept pointing at people's skates and saying he wanted to put them on.
Isla had a 6th tooth break through while we are gone. That is probably the culprit to her cranky night times...which of course are awesome for me!
We spent some time in the most adorable town, Astoria. They have this amazing little trolly. It is only $1 to ride and is an hour loop. There is a guide on it who tells the town's history while you are riding. More than worth the $1 it cost! They tried to let Connor ring the trolly bell, but he got stage fright, so Ian rang it for him.
In Astoria, we stopped at one of the many independent coffee shops we have visited on this trip. It was there we discovered that we have another coffee lover on our hands! Ok, so she really just had the foam. But Connor loves our coffee and we don't put sugar in it. So, it will be interesting to see where Isla lands on the whole coffee thing.
We travelled down the coast today to Tillamook before heading inland to Portland. There were beautiful views to be had...which made up for the less than stellar road.
Tillamook, you say? Yep. We drove out of our way to hit up the cheese factory. Because, we are cool like that! It really wasn't anything to write home about, but they did have an amazingly large cheese sample bar. And their ice cream was so freaking good.
Now we are in Portland and ready to take on a little more adventure before heading back south to California.

It just so stinks that you are there and I'm here in AZ visiting. You guys could've stopped in Vancouver WA and we could have visited. Ah well, timing, as they say, is everything! We live just on the other side of either bridge - off I-405 or I-205. Literally 15 min to Portland or Pearl District. I LOVE the Pearl District!! Way cool shops, eats and sights.
ReplyDeleteAnde Michaels
Isla is a girl after my own heart... I looooove lots of foam on my coffee!
ReplyDeleteThat first picture of Connor is unbelievable! What a cutie! I love the one of Isla's teeth too. And the one of Ian and Connor. And the one of Isla with the foam. Dang, you're a great photographer. I'm both sad and relieved that the Tillamook factory isn't the coolest thing ever because it's too bad it isn't but now I don't have to add it to my bucket list.