
I took the kids to meet Santa the other day. A couple interesting (to who?) things about that trip:

1. I took them to the mall all by myself. I went there just for the santa picture. And I didn't press my luck either. Both kids were well behaved, so we got in and out.

2. Since when are pictures with santa so freaking expensive? And you can't buy just one picture! What's the deal with that? But I was already suckered in there with both kids dressed up, so I decided to buy a picture package anyway. Now what to do with 100 pictures (slight exaggeration) of my kids with santa...

3. I bribed Connor with a tic tac. He didn't care about santa, but wanted to play with all the fun things they had to entertain kids while waiting in line. The tic tac worked.

4. I said my kids were well behaved, but that didn't mean things went completely smooth. Connor did run out into the mall as soon as the picture was taken. I went running after him. And who was left tending to Isla? Well santa, of course! I kid you not.

5. This is both Connor and Isla's first picture with santa. Oops. But, Connor doesn't know or care who santa is anyway. No harm done.

1 comment:

  1. Did Santa say anything when you came back to collect Isla? I guess if you have to go running after your toddler, leaving your child with Santa is one of the safer bets. :)


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