Our camping trip took us all over central California. We started out in San Luis Obispo to watch my brother-in-law play soccer against Cal Poly. We then headed up the coast to camp at New Brighton Beach in Capitola. Given the killer spot, we were able to visit both Santa Cruz and Monterey on our little vacation.
Connor seemed to enjoy all the beaches we visited. He wasn't sure about sand at first, but then warmed up to it and started putting it in his ears. Nice, right? As for the water, he didn't want it touching him. But, if Ian or I was holding him and the water hit our legs, he thought it was hysterical. Come to think of it, maybe he thought it was so funny because it was us getting cold and wet and not him! Smart little boy.
Connor got to try out some rides at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Being the cheap person that I am, I was happy he is still small enough that we didn't have to pay for him to ride.
At the Boardwalk, we discovered that joy turns into tantrum when the ride is over. Sometimes, crazy bad tantrums that makes us question ever taking Connor to do something fun again.
We tried to give Connor his first smore. He didn't like it. As soon as he grabbed it and the gooey marshmallow stuck all over his little fingers, he wasn't down to try it. Not even a bite. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Besides hitting up the beach in Monterey (which may I say, the water was so freaking clear there!) we rented a thing-a-ma-jig. Connor didn't want to sit in the basket, but as soon as we started riding, he was all excited. The only problem was he hated his helmet and at one point, got it off and threw it while we were riding.

I must admit, I was fearful taking this camping trip with Connor. I was convinced bed time was going to be a disaster and this had me living in fear before the trip even started. However, Connor went to bed every single night without so much as a peep. He slept thru the night every night but one. I was majorly impressed with him. And, I was impressed with myself for bringing a strap on high chair for Connor. It worked wonders with keeping him contained when we needed to do little things like, uh, setting up a tent. The only problem we had was with Connor wanting to run free into the road, so we had to be on "Connor guard" at all times. But all in all, it was a fabulous trip and I definitely look forward to the next time we pack up and go camping...hopefully this summer.
And purely for informational purposes...
Of all the places I went the bathroom on our trip, the public toilets at Pismo Beach were by far the worst. And the best? The newly re-done rest stop on hyw 46 outside of Paso Robles, followed closely by the bathrooms at the beach in Capitola.