The day after my birthday, I returned to my work to find a present. A couple weeks ago, I found out that a certain author customer in my store shared a birthday with me. I was quite excited about this and talked with him about it practically every day. Well, for "our" birthday, I left a card and some candy at the store for him. Apparently, when he came in, he asked for me, discovered I wasn't there, then handed my coworker a present for me, which they in turn handed him the stuff from me. What this present was is a signed copy of one of his books, with a note written inside that says, "Jessica, Even though I didn't have to pay for it, it still counts as a present, right?" I was over the moon about this, and my coworkers, well they were insanely jealous! Then, later that day, he returned to the store to give me a huge hug thanking me for the card and candy and to ask how my birthday went. Its cool that relative strangers in the world can share something like a birthday in common and still make each other feel special. Well, I think so at least!
My birthday was quite a success. Even though I am a year older and wasn't able to celebrate with all my family, it was still quite the good time.
I'm glad you had a good birthday and made all your coworkers jealous... nice pictures of the sea creatures!