Always looking forward, yet constantly looking back. That is how I am going to sum up my life right now.
After spending a week at a place (Foursquare Convention) that is fun even when I lived here, I realized all I am missing out on and don't want to return home (home being Scotland) very much. Being able to have conversations with friends and pick up right where we left off is such a blessing. Walking around and constantly getting hugs from people, people yelling at me from across the street, seeing a restaurant full of people I know, taking pictures with's kind of like being a celebrity! ha, ha
One thing I always want to do with my life is be moving forward. Yet, I can't deny my past. I know God has something great in store for my life...I am just waiting for it! I really feel it more even now, after spending time with friends and the 'rents in Houston. All in the right time. I am gaining something from my experience that I would have never had before. Also, I am certain that opportunities will and are presenting themselves that I would have never had before. Life is such an adventure I am willing to take risks at. Sometimes just loving people who live far away is an adventure. A little bit of my heart is with so many people, in so many places. I thank God for this crazy adventure I call my life!
A Week of Outfits: Kate Lindello
15 hours ago