January - This was a busy month for me. Due to a "wonderful" idea of mine, I was still working three jobs...7 days a week, morning to night. Not the best of ideas that I have had!

February - I did a lot of traveling for work, going to both Arkansas and Nevada for a week. In Arkansas, I got to hang out with my brother Jeremy, which was nice. Binky, my dog-sister of 18 years died. That was hard on my family. You dog-haters out there wouldn't understand, but it was sad. But, Ian and I also added to our family with Riley, a Yorkshire Terrier.
March - I took my fourth trip to Cambodia with my mom and a group of ladies. It proved to be another wonderful time, playing with the kids at the orphan homes, traveling around the country and hanging with my mom. Also, Ian and I took a weekend trip up to Mammoth for a day of nice snowboarding. Riley got to hang out in the snow and go into restaurants with us in her undercover dog purse.

April - My birthday month! I turned the big 2-6! My parents, Josh, Courtney and Tanner came to Pasadena to celebrate. Ian and Josh tiled our upstairs bathroom...starting a bathroom re-finishing project that took Ian and I two months to complete! Ian and I also took an extended weekend visit to San Francisco. It was nice to be back in the city that we had many a dates together before we were married.
May - May brought the huge decision of moving to Scotland. At the time, I don't think I really thought it all the way through how much it would really affect my life...ha, ha! I also got to go to Hawaii for work! Such a rough life!

June - Ian and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary at Club 33 in Disneyland ...actually the Club had some problems and had to close down that night, so we had to re-schedule for another time, but we still got to hang out at Disneyland!
July - With July came a vacation. Ian and I headed up the coast and camped in Big Sur for a few days. I didn't think Riley would be the outdoorsy type of dog, but she seemed to love the dirt! We also wondered over to Modesto for the 4th with the Grimbleby's.

August - We spent the better part of the month packing up our house and moving out, which proved to be quite stressful. Ian left in the middle of the month for Scotland. I finished packing up the house, gave the keys to the renters, finished up working at Foursquare and started visiting and saying good bye to family and friends (and my wonderful car).
September - I arrived in Scotland on September 1st. That week Ian and I made a trip down to London for his work. I got a job at the 'bucks two weeks after arriving. And we got settled down into our new home.

October - This month really proved to be a month of getting used to my new home. I began really learning what life in another county is like. Also, our stuff finally arrived from the states, which meant I no longer had to wear the same clothes over and over and that we now had a couple things to hang on our walls.
November - Ian and I went home for Thanksgiving. It was nice to be stateside, even if for just a few days. It was a good time of visiting family and friends and shopping! Me, my mom, my sister-in-law Courtney and my sister-in-law Carli, got up early and hit the sales on Black Friday. It was actually quite the fun adventure. People take shopping way too seriously!

December - Ian and I took a trip out of town to York, England. It was nice to get out of Edinburgh and hang out in another city for a couple days. We meandered our way through the city, hung out in bookstores and drank many a warm drinks (coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.) December also saw the first Christmas Ian and I spent away from our families. We went to church on Christmas morning for breakfast and a small service. Then we came back home and made our own Christmas dinner. Even though it was sad not to be with our families, it was kind of fun to make our own dinner and celebrate together.
The year really was an adventure for us...an adventure I am still getting used to! But, I am looking forward to another year and all the adventures it has in store for me.