Before this trip, I had forgotten how truly great America is. It is probably because everything has been taken away from me. When it was here, I really didn’t care. I used to avoid fast food; now I want as much of it as I can get because it soon will be gone. This is the same with many other things. America is just so great! Who doesn’t love driving around in a car blasting the stereo? Going thru any number of fast food restaurants? All the big box retailers? Oh, there is just so much that America offers that I have yet to find in Scotland.
Scotland is a good place, just much different than America. Since I was raised here, I just know what to expect around every corner. When I first moved to Scotland, it was more exciting not knowing what to expect. Now that excitement has worn off…at “home” I know exactly where to find things! But, leaving this time is not nearly as hard as the last. It was just a visit, not my life. That helps. I will be returning to a house with my own possessions, a job with people I know and a few friends. Scotland isn’t that bad, just not my original home.
Below are some pictures from my time at home. Enjoy!
Ian & Riley on the way home from the airport.
Tanner playing with his new Christmas present.
Tanner & Jeremy before he (Tanner, that is) melt down.
Clive in his cool new sunglasses!
Riley in her new coat. The hood even has fur on it!
Riley in front of the Christmas tree.
My mom at the place she sells antiques.